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Have questions? Get answers!


  • Where do I order tickets for the upcoming show? 

    • When a tickets are on sale for a show, the "Tickets" tab will appear right here on the website! Check show times, costs, and more on that tab in the menu at the top of your screen.


  • Do you need to be Catholic or belong to St. John's parish or school to participate?

    • No, you do not need to belong to St. John’s parish or school, and you do not have to be Catholic to participate. Torch currently hosts dozens of homeschooled, public schooled, and private schooled students. It is a Catholic group, so the leaders will pray, invite the students to join them in prayer, and adhere to the tenets of the Catholic faith, but it is not a requirement and we ask only for respect for the group’s practices and beliefs.


  • When/where do you meet for rehearsals?

    • Torch meets on the St. John the Evangelist campus in Warrenton, VA, and exact building locations for each meeting are sent out with every production schedule. 

    • The times vary depending on the age group performing the show, but generally Embers (10-11) meet from 4:30-6:00 PM, Sparks (ages 12-15) meet from 4:30-6:30 PM, and Torch members (ages 16+) meet from 5:00-7:00 PM. Times of practices and performances will always be announced on the audition form for every production.

    • Sparks perform around November for 4 performances

    • Embers perform in February for 2 performances

    • Torch performs in June for 2 weekends (8 performances)


  • Attendance Policy: Does my child need to attend every practice of the production?

    • Typically, yes. Please note all conflicts on your audition form (and note that making it late to practices or needing to leave early counts as a full absence) when registering for every production. While absences that are noted on the audition form are honored, numerous noted absences can affect the student’s casting. Unscheduled absences that are not noted in the audition form typically result in an understudy taking one or more of the student’s performances.


  • School and/or inclement weather policy?

    • While Torch does meet at St. John’s, it does not follow their school schedule. There are many actors who do not follow St. John’s School or public school schedules, so actors should still plan on meeting regardless of any school ½ day plans. School field trips or days off should be noted on audition forms if it will affect a Torch member’s ability to attend practice. 

    • Torch DOES NOT follow the county policy for weather cancellations or ½ day schedules. In the case of snow/inclement weather: county cancellations for schools are made early in the morning when it is colder, and since Torch meets in the afternoon, there is often a thawing by the time practice begins. Check your emails often, as we’ll send out an email/text to you (typically by noon on the affected practice day) for any cancellations or changes.


  • How old do you have to be to join the cast?

    • Every student must be within the age frame by the date of auditions. Embers must be between 10-11, Sparks must be between 12-15, and Torch members must be 16 or older (generally from 16-25) by the date of audition.


  • What does it mean to be “invited” to perform outside of your age-group?

    • Several titles, such as the Torch performance of The Sound of Music, require actors from outside of the age-frame of the group in which they perform. In such instances, and at the director’s discretion, actors from outside the age-frame can be invited to either audition or perform with a younger or older group. These actors are typically well-known to the directing team, are highly motivated and easy to work with, and have the support of their parents to make the practice and performance schedule. 


  • Why charge tuition?

    • While the ticket money is always donated to a local charity, the tuition money goes towards the rights to the show, the costumes, props, sets, lights, sound, and storage needs for Torch, which all add up for every show. The director, crew, and majority of helpers are volunteering their time and talents for each show. 


  • ​​Are there discounts for multiple children who want to join the cast?

    • We don't offer a discount for multiple children, but we do offer sponsorship opportunities and discount certificates at special events. Email for more information


  • Where is the ticket money going?

    • Every show’s door funds go to a local charity which is announced in the program and before every show. Charities have included: 

      • St. John School technology fund

      • Habitat for Humanity

      • Warrenton Pregnancy Center

      • St. Vincent de Paul Food for the Poor

      • And more


  • I or my child would like to work backstage or help out. What is the process?

    • Thanks so much for wanting to help out! Since the crew are typically interns instead of students, the crew is always hand-selected by the director, producer, or backstage manager. Crew members are typically either former members of Torch who have shown interest in helping and dedication to their craft and the group, or parents of students who believe in our mission and have made the time commitment to the production. Nearly every crew member and department head has started off in a small role (handing out programs, doing mild PR work, costuming or prop work) and gained more responsibility through expression of further interest and dedication. If you haven't been asked to be a part of the backstage or tech crew for an upcoming show, the team likely just hasn't seen much of you yet, or is already full up! Join us, even peripherally, for a few functions to help out. Small tasks are your best friend, and availability is, of course, always wonderful. Help is always appreciated, even (and sometimes especially) with the little things. ​


  • What is VIRTUS training and do I need it to volunteer?

    • VIRTUS: “Protecting God's Children for Adults” training seminars are 4-hour training sessions where employees, volunteers and other responsible adults in the community can learn how to identify sexual abuse, how to report it when it is seen, and what they can do as members of the community to ensure that it is eradicated. Sessions are held throughout the year at parishes and schools throughout the region and are free of charge to all participants.  If you are interested in attending and can't find a session that meets your needs for time or location, please contact your parish liaison to request a new session be scheduled. Attendance at a seminar is required for all employees of the diocese and all volunteers with substantial contact with children, but all adults are welcome to attend. To find the nearest session to you...                   

                              CLICK HERE.  ​

Crew members atop the set
Guys and Dolls 2016
Priest blesses the cast
Mary Poppins 2015
The Sound of Music backstage photo
A Christmas Carol ghost of Christmas present
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang music box scene
Godspell 2020
Original shows and choreography
Cast and crew group photo
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